Forms & Documentation
Engagement Forms
Below is the paperwork that must be signed and returned, along with the court order for evaluation, and non-refundable commitment fee before the evaluation will be calendared. You can either download and sign a hard copy or request a link to sign electronically.
Paperwork for Evaluation
Below is the paperwork that must be signed and returned, along with the court order for evaluation, and non-refundable commitment fee before the evaluation will be calendared. You can either download, sign, and mail or email these forms back to my office or request a link to sign electronically.
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Screening Tool
Please complete and return this quick IPV screening tool before our first meeting.
Documents Submitted for Review
You and/or your attorney may submit collateral information for my review during the evaluation. The flat rate fee for evaluation includes one 1” notebook of collateral documents per parent. Please include an index for your materials and use dividers to organize your documents into separate sections of your parenting concerns. My office will supply a notebook and dividers if your need one. If you submit more information than one 1” notebook, a $300 per hour fee may be assessed to review the additional material you and/or your attorney deem necessary. Please do not submit email or text messages, unless they are specifically requested. Report cards, police reports, letters authored by other professionals, and professional assessments are most relevant (DHS, medical, psychological, substance abuse).
If you have audio or video files, these must be placed into a Dropbox for my review. I no longer accept a USB drive, CD, or audio/video delivered via email. If your Dropbox contains information that requires more than two hours to review, a $300 per hour fee may be assessed for time spent reading/watching/assessing the additional material you and/or your attorney deem necessary. All documents you submit will be kept in a secure place until your family has a judgment (via litigation or stipulation).
Forms & Documentation
Engagement Forms
Below is the paperwork that must be signed and returned, along with the court order for evaluation, and non-refundable commitment fee before the evaluation will be calendared. You can either download and sign a hard copy or request a link to sign electronically.
Paperwork for Evaluation
Below is the paperwork that must be signed and returned, along with the court order for evaluation, and non-refundable commitment fee before the evaluation will be calendared. You can either download, sign, and mail or email these forms back to my office or request a link to sign electronically.
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Screening Tool
Please complete and return this quick IPV screening tool before our first meeting.
Documents Submitted for Review
You and/or your attorney may submit collateral information for my review during the evaluation. The flat rate fee for evaluation includes one 1” notebook of collateral documents per parent. Please include an index for your materials and use dividers to organize your documents into separate sections of your parenting concerns. My office will supply a notebook and dividers if your need one. If you submit more information than one 1” notebook, a $300 per hour fee may be assessed to review the additional material you and/or your attorney deem necessary. Please do not submit email or text messages, unless they are specifically requested. Report cards, police reports, letters authored by other professionals, and professional assessments are most relevant (DHS, medical, psychological, substance abuse).
If you have audio or video files, these must be placed into a Dropbox for my review. I no longer accept a USB drive, CD, or audio/video delivered via email. If your Dropbox contains information that requires more than two hours to review, a $300 per hour fee may be assessed for time spent reading/watching/assessing the additional material you and/or your attorney deem necessary. All documents you submit will be kept in a secure place until your family has a judgment (via litigation or stipulation).