Documents Submitted for Review
You and/or your attorney may submit collateral information for my review during the evaluation. The flat rate fee for evaluation includes one, 1” notebook of collateral documents, per parent. Please include an index for your materials and use dividers to organize your documents into separate sections of your parenting concerns. My office will supply a notebook and dividers. If you submit more information than one, 1” notebook, a $300 per hour fee may be assessed to review the additional material you and/or your attorney deem necessary. Please do not submit email or text messages, unless they are specifically requested. Report cards, police reports, letters authored by other professionals, and professional assessments are most relevant (DHS, medical, psychological, substance abuse).
If you have an audio or video file, these must be placed into a Dropbox for my review – I no longer accept a USB drive, CD, or audio/video delivered via email. All documents you submit will be kept in a secure place until your family has a judgment (via litigation or stipulation). Please arrange to pickup your documents within thirty days of your judgment. If left unclaimed, records submitted during the process will be shredded/destroyed/
deleted thirty days after your judgment is signed. I maintain a copy of the written evaluation, as well as copies of any documents necessary to support the recommendations of my report, for a period of seven years. After seven years all records (except the written report) associated with your case are destroyed and no longer kept by this office.